just saying...
So many 'ifs' here, but I'll continue anyway. The Housekeeper, my second novel, will be published on February 28, and if you buy it and if you like it, you might want to suggest it to your book club. Just a thought!
If that's the case, and I hope that it is, here are some book club questions.
1. For much of the novel, Anne has a naive view of her employers, Rob and Emma, and family life at their home, Wycombe Lodge. What events in her life may have caused this?
2. What is the role of memory in the novel? How does Anne's lack of knowledge about her early childhood affect her hopes and fears?
3. How do modern psychological theories fit into the story?
4. What is the importance of social media in the novel? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
5. Why is Elizabeth Beeton something of a heroine to Anne?
6. Discuss the importance of Jake, Lily, and the family dog, Siggy, in the story. What role does each of them play?
7. Discuss the importance of Jake, Lily and Siggy the dog in the story? What role does each of them play?
8. What is the most pivotal point in the novel?
9. How important are inanimate factors - the weather, the house, the River Thames - in the telling of the story?